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Enara Global Manager is the first comprehensive and intelligent analysis platform for healthcare activity.

Enara Global Manager

What is Enara?

Enara Global Manager integrates more than 20 different solutions, grouped into four product ranges (DataBuilders, Algorithms, Analytics and SmartView) that allow the complete process of transforming data into highly useful knowledge to support decision making:

Infografía DataBuilders


Information Capture: Information collection and normalization products. They collect and structure all the necessary information to be able to carry out subsequent analyses. They have data validation and purification mechanisms, which improve the quality of the information and prepare it for subsequent processing.

Infografía Algoritmia


Information transformation algorithms: Patient grouping algorithms, population stratification and prediction engines and Machine Learning, which process and transform data into knowledge, preparing the information for subsequent analysis.

Infografía Analytics


Analyzers: Advanced data analysis products. They allow an exhaustive study of the activity, quality and efficiency of healthcare processes from different perspectives and levels.


Latin America:

Infografía DataBuilders


Knowledge transmission:  The SmartView product range incorporates information visualization solutions. SmartView solutions allow the knowledge obtained in the in-depth analysis of information to be transmitted to different profiles of the institution, in a synthesized and simple way.


ENARA Global Manager integrates four ranges of products, which allow the complete information processing and management process to be carried out, from the collection of the original data, to the dissemination of the knowledge obtained at the different levels and profiles of the organization, according to their needs. Furthermore, the entire ENARA platform is developed under a single data model with a centralized database, which allows the organization to unify and normalize its data, perform analysis under the same criteria, thereby obtaining comparable results that facilitate communication and assist in strategic planning.

All solutions on the ENARA Global Manager platform are integrated, but are marketed independently, allowing the center to choose the set of solutions that best suits its needs at all times.
Furthermore, the solutions are highly parameterizable and are designed taking into account the different needs of each profile.

ENARA Global Manager allows you to perform descriptive and predictive analytics. Thanks to descriptive analytics techniques, the platform allows you to understand in detail the current state of the center and identify areas for improvement in terms of efficiency and quality of care. Predictive analytics allows us to go one step further and estimate the evolution of certain highly relevant indicators.

ENARA Global Manager is designed with security and data protection at all times in mind with the maximum level of compliance according to current legislation on the protection of personal data.

The ENARA Global Manager platform has a visual and intuitive design, which makes it easy to navigate and use the different solutions and functionalities.

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Merative Micromedex® has been one of the largest online reference databases for drug information, toxicology, diseases, patient education and alternative medicine for 45 years.