3M™ Core Grouping Software MS assigns a DRG to each patient based on data from hospital discharge records.

Data from hospital discharge records:

  • Sex.

  • Age.

  • Discharge circumstance.

  • Diagnostic codes ICD-10-CM main and secondary.

  • Procedures codes ICD-10-CM/PCS.

Version 33.0:

It has 758 DRG divided into 25 Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC)

Each MDC groups patients with diseases of an apparatus or system of the human body:

Digestive System

Circulatory System

Respiratory System

Each MDC is divided into surgical or medical DRG depending on whether the patient has undergone an intervention or not:


Group patients with a similar disease.


Group patients who have suffered a similar intervention.

It is especially useful in the calculation of any of the indicators of the AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality).

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